
Marketing/PR Misc - April 4, 2005


■かつてのPRはこうだった(Online Public Relations Thoughts)
This film from 1927 is a painful reminder that AT&T had once the largest public relations department in the world. Now AT&T is no more, and the thousands of PR people that once worked for the firm are retired or doing other things.

■シリコンバレーのエバンジェリスト・Guy Kawasakiのスピーチ(brand autopsy)
Guy’s Top 10 Rules for Evangelism.
#1: Make Meaning.
#2: Niche Thyself.
#3: Don’t be Paranoid.
#4: Localize the Pain.
#5: Let 100 Flowers Blossom.
#6: Look for Agnostics, not Atheists.
#7: Enable Test Drives.
#8: Provide a Slippery Slope.
#9: Foster Team Spirit.
#10: Don’t Ask Anyone to Do Something You Wouldn’t.
#11: Be a Mensch.

■PRの未来形(PR Opinions)
Too often PR becomes synonymous with media relations. That will become less prevalent as we move forward. PR in the future will need a whole host of new skills to go with what we already have. These include our ability to communicate on a one-to-one basis but more importantly it means understanding how people find information online, how people like to recieve information. As search engines have become the single most popular way to find information across the Internet, new skills such as Search Engine Optimization will become increasingly important for PR people.

■PRエグゼクティブインタビュー特集(Musings from POP! Public Relations)
Musings from POP! Public RelationsではPRエグゼクティブのインタビュー特集を
PR Face2Face is a special series of interviews with the top public relations and publicity professionals in the country, as well as with people involved in the public relations world. The fourth is Chris Shipley, the executive producer of The DEMO Conferences.

Ronn Torossian(5WPR)、Howard Rubenstein(Rubenstein Associates)、
Pam Talbot(Edelman US)に引き続き、
第四回となる今回はThe DEMO Conference のChris Shipley。


IABC(International Association of Business Communicators)会長David Kistleのブログ
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